Thursday 1 June 2017

Wanted Pen Pals - Jeffery Rogers - Texas

Jeffery Rogers #1630168
James V. Allred unit
2010 FM 369N
Iowa Park Tx 76367

Birthday: 16th June (1977 I think! - Signed, the Editor)

Interests: Life, reading, writing, exercising & music

Height 5'5"
Weight: 134 lbs
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Tattoos: A few!
Convicted of: Agg. Robbery/Agg. Assault on a public servant.
Release Date: Non existent.
Willing to write overseas: Yes
Interested in writing: all

***Please note, Jeffery can receive Jpays, but can only reply via snail mail, so be sure to include your name and address so he can reply to your email***

Hello and welcome to my part of the world.  Yes, as small as this little corner is, it's mine.  I can talk about me extensively but to do so without being conceited is key, so here goes.  I am open about my life's experiences, straight forward, opinionated, goal orientated, driven and passionate; however, I do have a lighter side as well.  I believe in balance.

My interests are all across the board, but it's people that provoke interest.  I live in solitary confinement, so yes, I've studied myself at length, no, not self absorbed, but I now know me.  I like getting to know others and discussing likes, dislikes and just getting to know people.  I live in a place of monotony, so it's the variations that others' provide, that interest me.  I'm an analytical person, it's my desire to find understanding and know the why, no I don't agree with my imprisonment, but I understand the why.  Life is meant for living, so I take full advantage of all opportunities as they arise and put forth maximum effort into all that I do.  I try not to leave room for doubt or regret, there's things I could've done differently, but I did what I believed right at the time, so I can live with the outcome.  I refuse to allow my circumstances to dictate my goals it's a matter of principal and want to.

In my condition, I read quite a bit, philosophy, psychology and history mostly.  I enjoy writing, but it's almost a lost art form due to technology, however, it's my only means of communication, other than screaming through a steel door.  Physical exertion is something I enjoy, so exercise is a must.  Music is a constant as it's my only form of electronic entertainment as well as it drowns out the insanity that I'm surrounded by.  Oh, make no mistake, I contribute to the insanity especially if my Steelers are playing 
Musically, I'm diverse, I prefer metal, but no stations here.  Due to a heavy rotation of popular songs, I often surf the dial.  7 years in isolation....yes, monotony is the rule.

I'm not searching for love, my interest in writing to you is to exchange ideas, our understanding of knowledge, life's experiences, the reassurance of held beliefs and learn about the struggles others face.

I need help in many areas of my life, all you need do is consider my situation.  I live in a 7 x 12 cage, no, I do not need sympathy, I need understanding.  I am surrounded by negativity so I am seeking those with positive energy, but all are welcome to write.  I enjoy light, casual conversations.  I have a sense of humour and enjoy laughing.  I'm not bland or simple minded .  Life is full of opportunities, you have one before you now, should you write, I will respond.  Blessed  are those who seize the moment, may you be blessed!

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