Useful Links

Email providers direct to inmates:

USA State Facilities: Jpay
USA Federal Facilities: Corrlinks
USA State Facilities: Connect Network
USA State Facilities: Getting Out
USA State Facilities: Access Corrections

Please note, all email services will expect you to establish an account...Corrlinks is the only 'free' for the free world person to use, but inmates pay 5c a minute (up to a 15 minute time limit then they are locked out for 30 mins) to read and reply to them, so pay attention to whether the person wants to communicate solely by email or not, especially if they are in the Federal system.  Although these services are direct to the inmate, ALL are processed by the facility, so therefore general common sense applies to what you do and don't write or send....PLEASE READ THE TERMS & CONDITIONS OF EACH PROVIDER before using them, so you don't get banned from the service, or worse still, get the inmate you're corresponding with in trouble.  For some, the email service is the only way they keep in touch with loved ones, and it would be a shame that they lose that for something you could have avoided.

Prisoner support forum for anyone with any contact with the prison system, worldwide PTO

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Introducing to you, Mason Francabandera from Oregon

I am helping my friend. He is 19 years old. He is into art, music and writing. His creativity is through the roof and he is super funny...